Study IDA

Acceptance of the oral suspension of carbonyl iron in MCT oil (Innofer®/Innofer® baby, Chiesi Poland) in a group of pediatric patients requiring iron supplementation.


Dear Sir/Madam,

We invite you to participate in the IDA study, which aims to collect data on the acceptance of oral suspension of elemental iron - Innofer®/Innofer® baby by pediatric patients aged 6 months to 6 years requiring iron supplementation.

To start entering data from patient observations, please log in.

BioStat® oversees the smooth conduct
of the study and data analysis.

Any questions should be directed to the Organiser's office.


BioStat Sp. z o.o.
Kowalczyka 17, 44-206 Rybnik
tel: 530 714 118
email: [email protected]

Please log in using your account details received after signing the contract.
