Pre-emptive daratumumab therapy of minimal residual disease reappearance
or biochemical relapse in multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a very complex, chronic disease. Patient management requires an individual approach, specialized and current knowledge and extensive experience from the treatment team. Establishing a diagnosis is often not easy, and the proposed treatment can be very diversified and complicated.
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned and bearing in mind the good of the patient, we would like to invite you to participate in the study named: Pre-emptive daratumumab therapy of minimal residual disease reappearance or biochemical relapse in multiple myeloma (PREDATOR).
There is a need for evaluate the efficacy of daratumumab as a single agent in patients with reappearance of MRD in Multiple myeloma.
The primary objective of the study is Comparison of survival outcome (EFS) between the experimental arm and the control arm after patient's randomization with reappearance of MRD in Multiple myeloma, therefore your active participation is crucial in the success of the study.

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